What other's have to say...

Marc Reeves- Editor-in-Chief, Trinity Mirror
Media Matchmaker platform looks good- simple and intuitive.
If a journo gets a relevant response quickly, it’ll be a winner.

Janey Lee Grace: BBC Radio 2
I'm just thrilled that Media Matchmaker has come about. For so long there have been organisations and experts with an amazing story to share who need to get their message out to a wider audience. At the same time I see journalists and editors who want good stories. This really is an amazing opportunity for journalists to connect with the stories they want, and for businesses to be able to share their expertise. It's an incredible way to source the fantastic content that you're looking for.

Rupert Upshon Assistant Editor BBC WM
If there’s a resource which brings relevant stories and case studies together in one easy to use place, that can only be a good thing for journalists and producers right across the industry.
We’ve all got our go-to contacts but we want to hear from new voices sharing their expertise.

Kevin Pashby Former BBC Journalist
Media Matchmaker a win-win for both sides, as journalists we need stories, we need talking heads and we need people that can do interviews quickly, we have hourly half hourly deadlines. To have this resource I think it’s essential to put us in touch with people that we can rely on to give us credible interviews and soundbites.
It’s going to be fantastic for everybody who gets involved.

Lee Callender - Entrepreneur
Media Matchmaker MemberI can massively see the value of using Media Matchmaker; the ability to connect with journalists and get my stories out there. The way my business is expanding, it's really difficult to get that message across sometimes. Media Matchmaker just gives me the perfect platform to be able to do that.

Catherine Sutton - Founder of Airborne Allergy Action
Media Matchmaker MemberI'm very excited about the opportunity to be part of the Media Matchmaker programme and to have the opportunity to provide my expertise on indoor air quality so effectively, through this platform direct to journalists.

Sarah Flynn - Founder and Managing Director at KAF Properties
Media Matchmaker MemberI am incredibly excited about this new platform - I'm a property investor and one of the ways we look for investment is by raising our profile through the media. I'm now in a position on this new platform where those experts and journalists are going to be at my fingertips and I'm going to be able to connect with them really easily. I'm going to be able to approach them, and they're in turn going to be able to approach me... they'll be able to see exactly who I am and all the knowledge I am able to share.
See how it will work for you...