How to secure publicity in local AND regional newspapers
In this interview you will learn:
- What journalists look for in a story
- Why you shouldn’t get to hung up on a news angle
- How the papers set aside space for local stories
- What’s the % split of editorial and community news?
- How regional newspapers set aside sector pages such as health, business etc
- Do you have to have a local or regional connection to get regional press coverage
- Where organisations go wrong when approaching journalists and the right way to approach regional press to secure publicity
- How to get over the fear of approaching regional newspapers
- What you need to send over to the journalists to grab their attention
- Should you send pictures and are they welcomed
- Should pictures be sent high or low resolution
- How long should an email/article/ press release be
- How long is a typical article
- How long is an article if it’s a picture story
- How close to deadline do journalists work and when is the best time to approach a weekly newspaper
- If journalists work across multiple newspapers within the group i.e. a business reporter, political reporter, education etc
- How you can work with journalists so it’s efficient for them and you
- What’s the best way to approach journalists i.e. is it via email or phone
- How to find out if you have an interesting story
- Do regional press journalists prefer contact direct or do you have to go through a pr agency
- What not to do when approaching journalists
- What would make a press release go straight into trash
- What would make a press release stand out
- How to make a good impression to journalists within seconds
- How regional press has changed
- How regional journalists work differently now across print and online and how they have different pressures and styles
- How to follow a style of a newspaper
- Find out the biggest way journalists find stories and how it’s all changed
- Why regional press are interested in human-interest stories
- How businesses and organizations can provide accessible information
- How the big organizations fail when approaching the press and how to make sure you do not make that mistake
- How to stop your story going to the wrong section of the newspaper
- Find out key tips to find our your point of contacting journalists
- How to guarantee media coverage and publicity for your business
- Find out the most unused places in the paper that you could secure pr coverage in that will raise your profile
- How to become the go to person and expert within your sector
- How to become a columnist find out how many regional newspapers use, you will be amazed
- Why regional newspapers use columnists and where they get them from
- How you can approach regional newspapers as the columnist
- How to understand the newspaper and audience
- Where the regional press is going and how it’s changing with going online
- How will daily regional newspapers change and will they stop in the future
- How lifestyles are changing and how society access news and information is changing with it
- The model regional press work to to keep sustainability with the pace changing so quickly and find out where social media sits with regional newspapers
- How forward planning works with regional press
- Find out the split between incoming press stories and journalists finding stories via social media
- How regional social media journalists are building trust within the community
- Are journalists ever out to get you and should you be wary
- How regional press is transparent and how you can trace the development of a story
- How social media is shaping the outcome of news stories
- How the media are more reactive to communities and why
- Why tone is as important as accuracy with reporting regional news stories
- Do you contact specific journalists or send your article to a generic news desk
- How to build trust between you and the journalists and why its key to build rapport
- How regional press may work with other media outlets
- How they syndicate stories to agencies so the nationals can pick up on your story which could snow ball your media coverage
- How agencies work to sell a story
- Why journalists want your story and how they get paid
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