Claire finds her media match
We interviewed Claire Moore, owner and founder of Believe and Achieve UK, a fitness and wellbeing centre that focuses on healthy minds as well as healthy bodies, to share with you how Media Matchmaker helped her to find her perfect media match.
As a small business owner, lockdown presented some difficult challenges for Claire, and online adaptions had to be made in order to keep her business alive. Focusing on a healthy mind as well as a healthy body has proven to be more important now than ever before, and this offered Claire the perfect angle for a story.
In a time of zoom classes and WhatsApp support groups, Claire chose to adapt to this new phase of digital, and decided she needed some help to make this happen. After signing up to Media Matchmaker, she received help with creating a media list and writing an introductory email to various media sources. As we all know, emailing a journalist can seem like a very daunting task; not knowing the face behind the screen. However, Claire quickly realised how the relationship between an expert and a journalist is one of an equal partnership, where you could prove to be the final piece of the puzzle for an almost-finished article.
After signing up to our 6 week challenge, Claire sent out a press release on ‘Why small gyms will thrive after lockdown’. She was immediately invited to appear in a radio interview, as well as being approached for written articles in the Local Sheffield Star and Gym Owners Monthly.
Following Claire’s radio success, she has now been featured in a double page spread and has been asked to write 600 words on ‘How to train outdoors’. She now no longer feels dubious to send a journalist an email, but realises that she is as essential to a journalist as they are to her.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and PR can seem like a complicated path to head down. However, we are here to make it easy for you and provide you with all the help and assistance you need to gain PR coverage in the media for your business.
Claire offers all her advice as a first time PR-er and explains how Media Matchmaker has taken her down a new route full of PR success and achievements.
Make sure you watch the full interview below to see how we can help you and your business at Media Matchmaker.
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