How National newspapers have adapted to the digital world
This week, the Media Matchmaker team had the opportunity to talk to Claire Bullivant, Journalist and Marketing Director at Bullivant Media. Claire’s success in the media world has soared; co-hosting radio shows and her own podcast channel, and acting as the publisher for 16 regional newspapers. In this interview, we discuss how regional newspapers have had to adapt to the ever-growing digital sphere, and how Claire saw this emergence as an opportunity to take a hold of, rather than a threat.
Regional newspapers began to suffer as social media began to take over. Advertising revenue was lost to the likes of Google and Facebook, and they had to start thinking outside of the box. Regional newspapers are a trusted source in local communities; they are more often than not seen as honest news, giving communities a voice, and local stories a platform.
Claire discussed with us how she managed to grow and adapt as digital did, and how podcasting even allowed her to gain more awareness for her regional newspaper than ever before.
Podcasting has almost taken on the role as the younger sister of radio. It connects with a younger demographic, is in touch with digital and isn’t afraid to get a bit more personal! Claire describes podcasts as ‘a mile deep and an inch wide’; you get down to the nitty gritty, which has never been as possible as it is now.
Lucky for you, we have a whole list of Claire’s do’s and don’t’s when it comes to approaching a podcaster. Here’s a sneak peek:
DO include everything you think an editor might need in the first email you send out. If your story includes pictures, make sure you attach them. If you need to give permission to use these pictures, then send your permission. The more you can do to help an editor out, the quicker your story can be told.
DON’T give up. Persistence is key, and if one podcast fails, then try another, and another, and another. You can only fail if you quit.
For more tips and tricks on how to approach the new world of podcasting (and trust me, there’s some good ones), watch the full interview below, or head to our YouTube channel to find this interview and many more.
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