Create your ‘press pack’ ahead of the media
A press pack is essential to create so that you are ready to provide any important information to journalists, whether it be background information, personal information, logos or past events. If you have all your information ready in one place, you can save yourself time and show the journalist you’re eager to gain coverage.
Watch our PR Hour Live training video below to find out everything you need to include in your press pack, when you will need it, where to keep it and how to tailor it to each event/campaign.
What to include in your press pack?
- Background info & how to present it
- Blog for your organisation or personal
- Logo
- Images relevant to journalist/event
- Contact information
- Case studies
- Latest press releases
- Annual accounts
- FAQ’s
- Awards
- Links to digital content e.g. videos, podcasts
- Samples if it’s a physical pack
If you have a general press pack, you can keep it in your media section on your website so that it can be accessed be anyone.
If you have a tailored press pack, you can keep it hidden to only be sent out when requested or for specific events/campaigns.
Remember to not save it as a PDF, as journalists quite often cut down content to use only relevant information. If it is a document, this saves them time and means they won’t have to waste any time contacting you again.
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