Creating a problem to enhance your PR
We’re back to deliver you another PR tip, so if you’ve already tried out our previous ones, we have another one for you to try out. This one links in well as a follow up from our PR TIP #2.
PR TIP #3:
Now this might sound problematic in itself, however, the most effective way to dispel a myth is to leave the audience with a problem. This might sound strange, but you’re actually bringing the reader an essential story at the same time as making it enticing. For example, a beautician can argue that a facial can in fact be worse for your skin, causing acne outbreaks. See? Cause the problem, and then solve it for them.
This differs slightly from dispelling a myth; it’s another way of enticing the reader. Dispelling a myth instantly dispels a well-known myth in the headline, however creating a problem is more often than not something that your reader is blissfully unaware of. It is successful as it it there to shock the reader and give them new information that they have never heard before.
We hope you’re enjoying our PR tips. There’s plenty more where they came from. Use them to create an enticing story and get your audience interested.
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